Inspired by the 7 Graces of Marketing by Lynn Serafinn, Green and Graceful is a resource for sharing a vision of a new business paradigm.

10 Questions are given to leading edge practitioners to be answered in 10(ish!) minutes enabling them to share their wisdom in a fun and funky way.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

G&G Q&A 5. Harun Rabbani

10 Quickfire Questions in 10 Minutes: Harun Rabbani

1. Express your Purpose
To catalyse healing of humanity by creating the space for healing to take place by:
i) Removing the obstacles and blockages to unconditional love.
ii) Supporting holistic health experts to serve the public.
iii) Developing the media platforms for transformation to take place at a global level.

2. How would you sum up graceful business practice?
Loving the work you do and doing the work you love.
Treating everyone with kindness and compassion.
Not employing but cooperating and collaborating with other amazing people.
Following a compelling vision with purpose and shared values.
Enjoying and honouring the process and not just the end goal.

3. Name your three favourite green and graceful businesses.
1. Untangled FM of course!
2. Hay House

4. Name three green and graceful practitioners whose work has inspired you.
1. Katie Rose
2. Lynn Serafinn
3. Leon Stuparich

5. Name one environmentally friendly action which you are committed to and wish everyone else did too.
I will be growing my own vegetables either at my parent's garden or mine if I have it at my next home.

6. What would be your top tip for entrepreneurs starting out?
Know your purpose and create a vision that is almost impossible to achieve. Then, follow your purpose like a trooper and get all the help you need from others to turn your vision into reality.

7. What would be your top tip for people who feel stuck in their business practice?
Do some real introspection and ask if you are being motivated by an external factor such as the need to prove yourself to someone or money OR whether you are following your life's calling. Stop doing what is not working for *you*. Start working from the inside out, i.e. follow your heart and your intuition to guide you to your purpose and keep you there. Get a mentor.

8. What is the number one thing you wish all businesses/entrepreneurs would do to make the world a better place?
Stop working from a place of fear, lack and competition. Start working from love, abundance, collaboration.

9. In your experience, what is the most helpful and positive way to view money?
Money is all about perception. It is neither good nor bad AND the sole purpose of money is a means of expressing gratitude for value given.

10. We've just time-travelled into the future - what does business look like in your ideal world?
Business is a means of facilitating exchange of creative ideas and for transforming those ideas into useful, ethical, eco-friendly produce for enhancing the human experience. Business is carried out by willing collaborators who bring their natural talents and gifts to turn ideas into action.

Harun Rabbani is a lifelong entrepreneur, author, broadcaster and Mentor to Evolutionary leaders who are emerging to make a real difference to the planet we live in. He presents his ideas to leaders and teaches business growth strategies to holistic health professionals so they can heal many more people. He does this through his LightWorker Magic Webinar and Masterclasses, which can be found on Harun is also the founder of, an internet radio station that brings the leading pioneers and minds in human and planetary transformation.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

G&G Q&A 4. Tad Hargrave

10 Quickfire Questions in 10 Minute: Tad Hargrave

1. Express your purpose.

No idea. Really. Sometimes it seems like purpose only really gets known in retrospect. You look back over your life and all the pieces fit together. Moving forwards? I just keep trying to question my thinking and stay present.

2. How would you sum up graceful business practice?
Hmm. I think an easy way to consider this is, 'if everyone in business did this practice . . . what would the impact on the world be?'. So many business and marketing practices leave the world in a far worse place.
3. Name your three favourite green and graceful businesses.
4. Name three green and graceful practitioners whose work has inspired you.
Carrie Klassen of
Mark Silver of

5. Name one environmentally friendly action which you are committed to and wish everyone else did too.
I take my compost to the local community garden. I feel so proud every time I do it.

6. What would be your top tip for entrepreneurs starting out?
Figure out your niche. Figure out who you want to reach and what place you want to occupy in the market. The word niche comes from the French verb 'nicher' which means 'to make a nest'. So what's your place, your nest, your home?

7. What would be your top tip for people who feel stuck in their business practice?
Go back to your niche. If you feel stuck then ask yourself this question -

8. What is the number one thing you wish all businesses/entrepreneurs would do to make the world a better place?
Stop using scarcity based and pushy marketing.

9. In your experience, what is the most helpful and positive way to view money?
I think the most important shifts are not to see money as a need. We need food and shelter. We don't need money.
And also to disconnect money from our sense of self worth. The idea of 'getting paid what we're worth' is a seductive trap. Don't go there. Just charge what you need to charge so you can get your needs met.

10. We've just time-travelled into the future - what does business look like in your ideal world?

Like a beautiful farmers market. So much diversity and joy and love. It looks like community. Local. Green. Vibrant.

Tad Hargrave is a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned how to be a hippy again).
Despite years in the non-profit and activist world, he finally had to admit he was a marketing nerd and, in the end, he became a marketing coach for hippies. Maybe it was because he couldn’t stand seeing his hippy friends struggle to promote their amazing, green and holistic projects. Maybe it was because he couldn’t keep a 9-5 job to save his life.
Whatever the reason, for almost a decade, he has been touring his marketing workshops around Canada, bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls). And, over the years, he has become recognized as a leader in the wider movement towards green and local economies.
This all feels like a minor miracle as Tad spent his early marketing days learning and applying some very inauthentic, high pressure, extremely gross and pushy marketing approaches. This has made him suuuuper allergic to these kinds of approaches because he discovered they made him feel slimy (even in personal friendships), he didn’t sleep well and he’s very sorry to all those people he spoke with back in the day. After a decade of unlearning and unpacking that whole scene – he now feels ready and able to help other people find ways to market that feel wonderful.
He’s also considered a pioneer and leading thinker in the field of Hub Marketing‘ (and is puttering on a book about it’).

Monday 4 June 2012

G&G Q&A 3. - Kay Gillard

10 Quickfire Questions in 10 Minutes- Kay Gillard

1. Express your purpose.
I am a shamanic healer and teacher. My passion is to support other healers & spiritual seekers so they can walk their path with joy, confidence and power.

2. How would you sum up graceful business practice?
Serve with integrity. Remember to honour your needs as much as those that you serve. Always let your intuition lead. When you get stuck, reach out for support - serving your community is a two-way street!

3. Name your three favourite green and graceful businesses.
Lendrick Lodge in Scotland.
Conscious chocolate.

4. Name three green and graceful practitioners whose work has inspired you.
Sandra Ingerman - Shamanic practitioner and author
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi - Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother
Corrina Gordon-Barnes - You Inspire Me
(top 3 of my current list, but I have quite a few!)

5. Name one environmentally friendly action which you are committed to and wish everyone else did too.
I wish people would open their eyes and hearts, and think about what they buy. The greatest political power we have is whether or not to give money to companies who disrespect people, terrorise animals and pollute our planet.

6. What would be your top tip for entrepreneurs starting out?
Make sure you really love what you do. All the other, practical stuff is important, but your life will be joyless if you don't utterly love and believe in your work.

7. What would be your top tip for people who feel stuck in their business practice?
Connect with the spirit of your business to find out what it wants you to be doing - it can get you past the 'head' stuff and move you in the direction that is in resonance with the very soul of your business.

8. What is the number one thing you wish all businesses/entrepreneurs would do to make the world a better place?
Believe in community, not competition. The more people working in the way we work, the better - it means we can change the world quicker!

9. In your experience, what is the most helpful and positive way to view money?
I'm still doing a lot of healing around this! My life is better when I view money with pure gratitude, as it is an expression of the earth supporting me on my path.

10. We've just time-travelled into the future - what does business look like in your ideal world?
The sheer insanity and short sightedness of ripping resources from the world and causing harm to get ahead in the short term is gone. We are only producing what we need. Business operates in harmony with the earth, and its communities.

Kay Gillard is a shamanic practitioner and teacher who works to support those who walking a healing path while keeping it real. She teaches a modern, practical and down to earth approach to shamanism - it's about reconnecting with true, inner power and it's for real people living in the real world. Her passion is to help everyone on the healing path to become more powerful, and to honour and support their unique spirituality through her writing, workshops, mentoring and online broadcasts. 

To follow Kay's free weekly 'Power Talk' videos and other great resources, visit her website and sign up to her mailing list:

Friday 1 June 2012

G&G Q&A 2. - Corrina Gordon-Barnes

10 Quickfire Questions in 10 Minutes - with Corrina Gordon-Barnes

1. Express your purpose.

To help people receive a healthy living from following their passion. To help good people earn good money doing good work.

2. How would you sum up graceful business practice?

To be authentic and in integrity, which naturally makes you unique and a beacon for your right clients. To be honest and find your sense of safety from an unconditional Source, rather than looking to clients or money to bring you safety (and then, paradoxically, the clients and money flow easily in). 

3. Name your three favourite green & graceful businesses.

Tibits, Lunapads and Alternatives are just a few. 

4. Name three green and graceful practitioners whose work has inspired you.

Mark Silver @ Heart of Business. Tad Hargrave @ Marketing For Hippies. Jac McNeil @ Jac McNeil. Again - just a few of the many I have the pleasure of knowing.

5. Name one environmentally friendly action which you are committed to and wish everyone else did too.

I've been vegan for 12 years - for so many reasons (compassionate, ethical, health, environmental). It feels wonderful and I get so excited about vegan-serving businesses.

6. What would be your top tip for entrepreneurs starting out?

Identify your Tribe. That group of people who are looking for a solution to their challenge/unhappiness and who your passion provides a solution for. Get to know that Tribe intimately so you offer exactly what they are looking for and are happy to pay for.

7. What would be your top tip for people who feel stuck in their business practice?

To have heart-to-heart half-hour conversations with people in your Tribe. Find out what it's like for them (to be in pain, to be frustrated, to be seeking some solution) and hear in their words what they're looking for, so you can offer that through your business.

8. What is the number one thing you wish all businesses/entrepreneurs would do to make the world a better place.

To find ways of getting past our fears to serve the people we can help. Our gifts are not for us; they come through us to help others, so it's our duty to market well and to make ourselves visible and to allow the kind of money to flow to us that means we can keep doing this most important work (and not return to stifling jobs which waste our time).

9. In your experience, what is the most helpful and positive way to view money?

It's an energy that Source is wanting to flow to us and Source can only do this through other people, just as our gifts are from Source and flow through us to help other people. So our job is to allow, to stay in flow and enjoy being that channel. To receive gracefully.

10. We've just time-travelled into the future - what does business look like in your ideal world?

Everyone is doing what they're passionate about. There's this beautiful interconnection between people's needs being met by others' offerings. People are utterly fulfilled in their working lives and there are so many services readily available so there's relief for anyone feeling unhappy, stuck, frustrated or in pain. Healing abounds. Life is made easy for us all in this way. 

Corrina Gordon-Barnes is a self-employment and marketing coach who helps talented people around the globe enjoy the impact and income they deserve. Author of “Turn Your Passion to Profit: a step-by-step guide to getting your business off the ground” and expert blogger, she is passionate about people making good money doing their good work. She is a certified professional co-active coach (CPCC) and lives in Cambridge, England. For more and to buy the book, visit: 


Thursday 31 May 2012

G&G Q&A 1. Katie Rose

10 Quickfire Questions in 10 Minutes - Answered by Katie Rose

1. Express your purpose.
I am committed to using sound as a medium of personal, social and ecological transformation.

2. How would you sum up graceful business practice?
Providing a successful, sustainable, consistent service powered by love, designed with beauty, crafted with elegance and delivered with integrity.

3. Name your three favourite green and graceful businesses.
1. InSpiral Lounge
2. Planta - my local health food shop
3. Small World Solar Powered Stage and Festival

4. Name three green and graceful practitioners whose work has inspired you.
1. Lynn Serafinn
2. Corrina Gordon-Barnes
3. Helen Chadwick

5. Name one environmentally friendly action which you are committed to and wish everyone else did too.
Being mindful about water consumption and supporting WaterAid.

6. What would be your top tip for entrepreneurs starting out?
Just do it! -  start now and don't give up.

7. What would be your top tip for people who feel stuck in their business practice?
Get support - there's tonnes of people out there who can help - you are not alone!

8. What is the number one thing you wish all businesses/entrepreneurs would do to make the world a better place
Sing! - song is medicine - for individuals it is an empowering daily practice, for groups it creates a sense of united purpose and liberates clear communication.

9. In your experience, what is the most helpful and positive way to view money?
As a flow of golden energy which supports the flow of purpose.

10. We've just time-travelled into the future - what does business look like in your ideal world?
'Business' has been replaced by 'Vocation' - every individual will be flourishing in their unique purpose and offering that as service to the community.  Corporations are now Centres of Excellence, powered by collaborative teams of empowered individuals. Responsibility for maintaining the wellbeing of all levels of the community is shared by everyone.

Katie Rose 
Works with individuals and groups helping them to love their voices. She composes music which interweaves original material with song, chant and mantra from global traditions.  Recent adventures include managing Ocean of Song, featuring 180 singers raising funds and awareness for WaterAid.
More info at